Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Three Maps

This map is from maps.unomaha.edu and it portrays population density by counties in the continental 48 states. I find this map interesting because it shows more detail of our population on regional and somewhat on a local scale as well with majority of our population residing on the east coast.

This map from the USGS and I like this map because it shows where most earthquakes have occurred in southern California. One thing in particular that I find interesting is that most earthquakes appear to have happened along the coasts or in the mountain ranges around southern California.
This map from flutrackers.com and I like this map because it shows where cases of H1N1 are most severe, in particular southern California because the majority of California's population reside there. I also find it interesting that most deaths from H1N1 have happened within the Los Angles basin all the way to San diego.